The formal handover of youth provision in Killin has now been completed. For the latest information on the Killin Youth Groups, please visit the Killin & Ardeonaig Trust (KAT) website.
During the summer of 2021, CYP were contacted by a group of local Killin residents looking to start up local youth groups. With a group of dedicated local volunteers and in partnership with the local development trust (KAT), sessions got underway in early 2022. Following around 18 months of fortnightly groups (and a summer programme), CYP formally completed the handover process of the groups to KAT and the service is now being run independently through the development trust. Groups for P6/7 and S1-3 remain ongoing during term times, with holiday provision also being in place - if you're interested in signing up a young person (or in supporting the groups as a volunteer), please contact Carla and KAT using the details above.